
Role Models: Adult Congenital Heart Disease

Dr Samantha Fitzsimmons
“If you are considering a career in Cardiology or ACHD please do not be put off by the negative opinions of others, do your own research and believe you can succeed.”

I am currently working full time as a Consultant Cardiologist in Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) at the University of Southampton Hospital. Further sub speciality interests include obstetric cardiology and pulmonary hypertension associated with ACHD. I am enthusiastic about teaching and therefore hold an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer role with the University.

I am also a proud mother of 3 young children, who are my greatest achievements but never asked about on my CV or at a job interview. Despite advice from an early age that “I couldn’t apply to medical school because I was female”, plus I was only to consider Cardiology at ST3 if I was not a “baby producing machine” and I was advised to consider “1 or 2 children at the most”, I continued to achieve my own family and my own career. That said, it is equally as important to admit at times managing both your family and your career can be physically and emotionally demanding. I know I carry an immense amount of daily guilt with me, when I am not with my family I think I should be and when I am not at work I think I should be.

If you are considering a career in Cardiology or ACHD please do not be put off by the negative opinions of others, do your own research and believe you can succeed.

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